Press release in support of Operation Henry

Published on 20th July 2012 in General

News from The Operation Henry Trust

Psychic evening helps local charity

Mysticism and fortune telling are potent draws for many people. Who doesn’t want to know that the future may hold something better? Combine that with the attraction of helping a worthwhile cause and a lot of fun into the bargain and you’re set for a successful night. That’s just what happened at Grosvenor Casino in Derry’s Cross when they held a Psychic Night in aid of Operation Henry this week. This very worthwhile charity supports people dying of pancreatic cancer and their loved ones, who, once diagnosed, may only have a few weeks of life left to them. The Ivybridge-based charity is entirely reliant on funds donated and raised in this way for its income that it devotes to making final days more bearable and providing some happy memories for survivors.

The Psychic Evening was so popular that it sold out in advance, raising £450 in total for the charity. There were some tears in the room when Nikki Kitt, a local medium gave almost 2 hours of group readings. She was able to describe family members who had passed on and convey personal messages. Assembled guests were thrilled with the whole event and the Casino was so pleased that they are planning another Psychic Night in the near future.